
Wykład otwarty w języku angielskim "Resilience development and resilience promotion in a live span perspective" - 18 października 2016





Zaprasza na wykład otwarty w języku angielskim

"Resilience development and resilience promotion in a live span perspective".


Dnia 18 października 2016, o godz. 18.00 w Sali 0.103

który wygłosi


Prof. Klaus Fröhlich-Gildhoff

psycholog kliniczny i rozwojowy, reprezentujący EPH z Freiburga, dyrektor Centrum Badań Dzieci i Młodzieży w Niemczech

Klaus Fröhlich-Gildhoff is Professor for Developmental and Clinical Psychology at the Protestant University of Applied Sciences (EH) in Freiburg, Germany. As well he is working as psychotherapist and as supervisor for psychotherapists.

Director of the Centre for Research in childhood and adolescence at the EH with research projects in Early Childhood Education, Youth Welfare and Psychotherapy with children and adolescents, Head of the MA-Course "Early Childhood Education and Care", Member of the Jury of the German Prevention Award

Main topics and interests in research :

Promotion of mental health and resilience in early childhood (institutions) and Prevention and intervention in violent behaviour.